YABT and Atlantic Council develop “Opportunities to make your voice heard” campaign

Washington, DC, February 01, 2022. As part of a series of events leading up to the IX Summit of the Americas, Dannalice Anza Lara and Fabiola Alfaro, two young leaders from Venezuela and El Salvador, respectively, interacted live on the 27th January with a select panel of experts, researchers and ministers during the second virtual conversation “Road to the Summit: Building Health and Climate Resilience in the Americas”, organized by the Atlantic Council through the Adrienne Arsht Center for Latin America and in collaboration with the United States Department of State.

The intervention of both young women on behalf of the youth of the entire continent, took place as part of the results of the Campaign “Opportunities to make your voice heard”, a joint initiative between the Atlantic Council and the Young Americas Business Trust and which was framed in the activities leading to the VI Young Americas Forum; the official platform for youth participation in the Summit of the Americas.

The Campaign was launched from December 20, 2021 to January 10 of the current year, compiling valuable contributions and priorities around the issues of climate change and health. This campaign gave rise to a series of actions so that more young people continue to participate and contribute to the debate of future similar events, and collaborate with these and other actors to provide a hemispheric response to the pandemic and natural disasters, with a focus on vulnerable communities.

Relive the participation of youth in the following event links:

Fabiola Alfaro

Dannalice Anza Lara

YABT also communicates that the second version of the Campaign is open with another opportunity to make your voice heard, towards the official announcement of the VI Young Americas Forum, February 2022. Participe here.

For more information and/or to explore partnership opportunities with the YABT, please contact us via forum@yabt.net