Washington, D.C. April 18, 2022. The Eco-Challenge 2022 already has its eight Finalist teams that will compete for the long-awaited seed capital of $10,000 USD for the best team, and $5,000 USD for the second best team, added to a series of benefits and opportunities to support and scale up their projects.
The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT), the Organization of American States (OAS) and PepsiCo Latin America are pleased to announce the best eight teams that qualify for the Finals Stage:
Botellas de Amor Fundación | Colombia |
Bottleyes | Ecuador |
Durmientes Sintéticos | Argentina |
Imprimiendo consciencia x Re Accionar | Argentina |
ReciclApp | Mexico |
Start Solidarium | Brazil |
Techni-Recicla | Costa Rica |
Verde Innova | Colombia |
YABT, OAS and PepsiCo expressed their gratitude to each team that registered in this edition of the Eco-Challenge, with a total of 2,009 registered teams from 34 countries and reiterate their gratitude to the evaluation committee for their support during the selection process, as well as to all the experts who facilitated training sessions through the YABT BOOTCamp.
The Finalist Teams will start a follow up process that includes tailor made training, mentoring opportunities by international experts and visibility campaigns; these is serve as preparation for their presentation in the Finals.
The winning teams will be announced at a special ceremony during the VI Young Americas Forum to be held on June 8 and 9, in Los Angeles, California. The Young Americas Forum is one of the three official forums of the IX Summit of the Americas.
The Eco-Challenge is a special award category on Sustainability and Plastics of the Talent and Innovation Competitions of the Americas (TIC Americas). It was created in 2009 by PepsiCo Latin America Beverage and YABT to support young people to develop innovative and scalable solutions that address current issues of our region and promote sustainable development.
To learn more about the program, please visit the following link: www.ticamericas.net/eco-challenge
YABT is a non-profit international organization with cooperation agreement with the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States.
1889 F Street NW, Washington, D.C.,USA | Tel: +1 202 – 370 – 4723 | info@yabt.net © 2022 Young Americas Business Trust. All rights reserved
Young Americas Business Trust, YABT, Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas, TIC Americas, Eco-Challenge, Eco-Reto, Startup Challenge, InnovAction Challenge, Caribbean Innovation Competition, CIC, Business Opportunities Online Training Camp, InnovAction, Young Americas Forum, Foro de Jóvenes de las Americas and all associated logos, image, website and design elements are trademarks and/or service marks of the Young Americas Business Trust, YABT.