Policy Lab will address youth and participatory democracy during the II Summit for Democracy

Washington, D.C. March 28, 2023 – San José, Costa Rica, will host the next “Policy Lab: Youth and Participatory Democracy”, an hybrid format event framed in the II Summit for Democracy, on Wednesday, March 29 at 12:30 p.m., located at the Tribunal Supremo de Elecciones, organized by the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) of the Organization of American States (OAS), in collaboration with the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto and the Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud.

The Lab has the main goal of presenting how youth is imagining new ways of political engagement. The ones related to the potential benefits and challenges of digital action in the fight against the closure of civic spaces and the increase of disinformation. The session will also focus on the importance of democracy beyond elections, and how youth are organizing across borders.

In order to broaden and strengthen the participation of young people, the #YouthInTheSummit campaign carried out prior to the Lab, gathered the contributions, questions and/or concerns of young people regarding the themes of participatory democracy, the importance and the mechanisms for political participation, the fight against misinformation and the responsible use of digital platforms.

The Policy Lab will have as speakers experts from Johns Hopkins University, USAID, YouTube, as well as representatives of YABT and the Government of Costa Rica, added to young people from youth organizations and networks, with the purpose of providing information on politics and practice by equipping youth with new tools, knowledge and impact data, so that they have a broader and more effective participation in strengthening democracy and in politics.

We invite you to follow the live broadcast on YABT YouTube

More details available on the website: https://yabt.net/foro/inicio/laboratorios-de-politica/juventud-y-democracia-participativa/ (only available in Spanish).

For more information, contact YABT at info@yabt.net