YABT and CRYC reaffirm their commitment to strengthening Caribbean youth participation!

Washington, D.C., April 4, 2023. The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) and the Caribbean Regional Youth Council (CRYC) have reaffirmed their commitment to work collaboratively to advocate for the development agenda for Caribbean youth. Pioneering youth participation institutions join efforts to expand growth opportunities and representation in addressing the region’s challenges. Additionally, the collaboration seeks to strengthen the capacity of Caribbean youth by transferring knowledge and sharing tools.

The CRYC is an independent and democratic confederation of  National Youth Councils (NYCs) and youth-led organizations that work towards regional representation, integration, and cooperation as a platform for youth development. Its main objectives are focused on (1) advocating for youth representation and active participation at major national, regional, and international decision-making platforms; (2) facilitating and providing opportunities for young people to meet, exchange ideas, and share best practices, and (3) act as a central point of contact and representation for all national youth networks within the Caribbean.

YABT, a nonprofit international organization that works in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS), promotes young people’s social and economic development worldwide through leadership and entrepreneurship. YABT’s core value is to create inclusive opportunities for the youth of the Americas that allow greater participation of young people in decision-making spaces and global discussions.

The collaboration will provide tools for the young Caribbean people to strengthen their participation and access unique growth opportunities. It will also serve as a channel to show innovative solutions developed by Caribbean youth. This collaboration will further ensure increased Caribbean representation in the Hemisphere as part of the inter-American system.

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