Innovation Challenge “Youth in the Move” is announced during the SIRG meeting

Washington, D.C., November 15, 2023. During the Third Ordinary Meeting of the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG), the alliance between the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) and USA for IOM – National Committee of the International Organization for Migration in the United States was presented. This alliance aims to support the socio-economic integration of Venezuelan migrants, refugees, and displaced persons in Ecuador, Peru, and the Dominican Republic through entrepreneurship and innovation. Registers open in the website:

As a result of this partnership, the “Innovation Challenge: Youth in the Move” has been launched—a regional innovation competition that will identify, support, and accelerate innovative ideas and new business models driven by young people, with a direct and positive impact on the host communities of the Venezuelan migrant, refugee, and displaced population in the three eligible countries for this first edition of the program.

The Innovation Challenge seeks initiatives that address three priorities: Gender Inclusion and Equity, Socioeconomic Integration, and Economic Reactivation. Registration is open from November 15 on the website:, coinciding with the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2023.

This Challenge is part of the current edition of the Talent and Innovation Competitions of the Americas Program (TIC Americas 2024), a platform for supporting and accelerating young entrepreneurs with business ideas and startups with growth potential. Registered teams will have access to a range of benefits and incentives, including networks, visibility, training, and business resources through the Business Opportunity Online Training Camp (YABT BOOT Camp), as well as connections with actors in the entrepreneurship ecosystems to apply effective strategies to establish, operate, and expand their business projects.

Furthermore, this Innovation Challenge aims to increase the visibility of the positive contributions of this population segment to local economies and mobilize support networks to accelerate the growth of their businesses.

Local and international organizations are invited to join this multisectoral effort, which responds to the mandates and follow-up to the recent Summit of the Americas, considering entrepreneurship as part of the long-term solutions to address the challenges of human mobility.

For more information, please contact YABT via