Financial Feasibility – TIC Americas 2020

Planning in general is the basis of any project, if it does not exist, the probability that the project will fail is high. During the planning process we have a broad perspective of the different scenarios that may occur, it works as a simulator that allows us to analyze the actions we must take to reach the main objective. In the same way the Financial Plan works, with an analysis of the financial projections, the viability of the project is determined, it helps us to know if it is feasible to carry it out, what will be its cost, if it will generate positive and sufficient results in relation to the investment made, and if sufficient liquidity will be obtained so that the continuity of the company is not endangered. This session seeks to provide basic guidelines for instructing entrepreneurs in the evaluation and formulation of effective financial measures in their business models. Also, basic aspects about the valuation and capitalization of the businesses.