
“Personally AgilMentor has given me the opportunity to innovate in the incubation processes, it has given me the chance to share what I have learned and lived in my life as an entrepreneur and to accomplish that feeling with my team, that we really are helping more entrepreneurs to making true their business idea in an agile way and taking advantage of the resources they have” María Belén Fernández.

The Young Americas Business Trust is pleased to present the entrepreneur of the month, María Belén Fernández from Argentina, an example of a success participant of TIC Americas. Belén is founder of AgilMentor and since 2015 she has been working in mentoring and supporting the incubation of Startups, as well as consulting and training young talents to find a support space for entrepreneur.

Belén started this path of entrepreneurship by actively participating in events, competitions and talks for entrepreneurs, among which TIC Americas 2012 and 2013 and StartUp Chile stands out. This later resulted in the expansion of her network of contacts in an extraordinary way, allowing her to develop useful tools for the entrepreneurs. Soon after, inspired by all those stories of innovation and success, she decided to get hands into work and with the support of her husband (Luis) she started the AgilMentor project, having from the beginning a very clear and useful goal for entrepreneurs “to be a platform to connect mentors with entrepreneurs”. Over time, she met Paula, her current partner and together with Luis, decided to expand their activities and turn their business model around; becoming an incubator for entrepreneurs that currently has the distinction of being registered in the National Network of Incubators in Argentina. For María Belén, AgilMentor is not only an incubator, but also “a way to give back to the ecosystem everything I learned from it in all of these years that I have been linked with the entrepreneurial community”.

Impact entrepreneurship: more than an enterprise, it is a work with individuals…

The AgilMentor team believes that the greatest impact they have had in the community of Mendoza, Argentina is to become a space where entrepreneurs can tell their business ideas in an environment of total confidence, they can transform an idea into action, that is: make your project a reality. AgilMentor has established itself as the only incubator that offers a complete process to accompany entrepreneurs in a comprehensive way, not only with their projects, but also with personal developments as individuals. Entrepreneurs access a contact network that supports, strengthens and integrates them into the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Agile and validated enterprise,

The work of AgilMentor has been crucial for many entrepreneurs, because thanks to their experience, today they are a validated enterprise, which helps the new entrepreneurs to design projects according to real needs of the users, avoiding waste of resources and allowing a continuous learning network. The metrics of success and the integral work, has contributed to have real and true results in all the entrepreneurs that have participated in their processes.

Advice for young entrepreneurs,

María Belén recommends that they be encouraged to tell their ideas, that they get involved into the community, that they look for other people to build teams, take advantage of great networks like YABT very valuables for starting and growing. To review who they are? to discover their values, to think about what they do well? That is to identify their competences and from there to consider what they want to do? What is going to be undertaken? Decide it! In AgilMentor we can help you to realize your mission!

Thank you very much.

Social Media:


Twitter: m_belenf

By: Ariadna Rincón,
Young Americas Business Trust