Start-Up Challenge: Driving Innovative Solutions to Build Security in the Americas
The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) and Banreservas are calling on young entrepreneurs aged 18 to 34 from the Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS) to register for the Start-Up Challenge and contribute innovative solutions aligned with the theme of the 10th Summit of the Americas: “Building a Secure, Sustainable, and Prosperous Hemisphere.”
Seventh Young Americas Forum and Launch of the Start-Up Challenge 2025 Mark the Path Towards the Tenth Summit of the Americas
Today, the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) celebrated the official launch of the Seventh Young Americas Forum in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, marking the path towards the X Summit of the Americas. This event brought together high-level representatives, strategic partners, and young leaders committed to sustainable development, social inclusion, and digital transformation across the Americas.
Announcement of the VII Young Americas Forum Ahead of the X Summit of the Americas
Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) and Banreservas will host the event for the Official Announcement and Presentation of the VII Young Americas Forum, the official youth participation process in the X Summit of the Americas. This significant launch will take place on December 10 at Banreservas headquarters, highlighting youth as an essential pillar for building a more inclusive and sustainable future.
YABT elevates youth contributions at World Food Forum in Rome
The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) is participating in the World Food Forum 2024, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, which is taking place in Rome, Italy, until October 18, with a live broadcast on the Forum’s portal.
YABT participates in the Third IICA Digital Agriculture Week
The third edition of Digital Agriculture Week, organized by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), was conducive for the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) to join forces with IICA to highlight the role that young entrepreneurs and leaders are playing in accelerating the digital transformation in the agricultural sector of the region.
Winners of TIC Americas 2024 Announced in the context of the International Youth Day
The Finals of the eighteenth edition of the Talent and Innovation Competitions of the Americas (TIC Americas) brought together 23 finalist teams from 13 countries over two days. The event, held in the context of International Youth Day, concluded with an emotional ceremony where the top 10 projects were announced.