Application process is open to participate in the VI Young Americas Forum

Washington, D.C., March 21st, 2022. The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) announces the opening of applications to participate in the VI Young Americas Forum, one of the three Official Stakeholder Forums, that combines entrepreneurship, innovation and youth action at the IX Summit of the Americas to be held in Los Angeles, California in early June.

Young people between the ages of 18 and 34 from the countries of the Americas, are eligible to submit their application under this unique form, until May 20, 2022.

The VI Young Americas Forum will bring together hundreds of young people via a hybrid format event, where youth delegates will connect with international leaders in an ecosystem that stimulates the spirit of cooperation for a resilient, sustainable future and equitable, inclusive opportunities for the Americas. 

The on-site activities in Los Angeles mark an important step of the youth consultation process with concrete recommendations to the theme of the IX Summit and the 5 C’s of Youth Development: (1) Climate Change, (2) COVID-19, (3) Collaborating with Youth, (4) Combating Corruption and, (5) Connectivity and Digital Transformation.

For more information on the VI Young Americas Forum, please contact YABT via

YABT is a non-profit international organization with cooperation agreement with the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States.

1889 F Street NW, Washington, D.C.,USA | Tel: +1 202 – 370 – 4723 |
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Young Americas Business Trust, YABT, Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas, TIC Americas, Eco-Challenge, Eco-Reto, Startup Challenge, InnovAction Challenge, Caribbean Innovation Competition, CIC, Business Opportunities Online Training Camp, InnovAction, Young Americas Forum, Foro de Jóvenes de las Americas and all associated logos, image, website and design elements are trademarks and/or service marks of the Young Americas Business Trust, YABT.