The VI Young Americas Forum was officially announced as part of the IX Summit of the Americas

Washington, D.C., February 15th, 2022. The VI Young Americas Forum was officially announced on February 15th, at a special session of the Policy Lab “IX Summit of the Americas and Youth Participation.” During this session, it was announced that the Sixth Young Americas Forum will take place in Los Angeles, California, on June 6 – 8 of this year.

The event’s agenda allowed the audience to dive into each of the interventions, regarding the importance of the process of the Summit of the Americas, presenting the activities that make up the youth participation process and the opportunities that exist for youth to take action towards meaningful, open and diverse participation. In addition, intertwine this effort with the so-called Five Big Cs of Youth Development: (1) Climate Change, (2) COVID-19, (3) Collaborating with Youth, (4) Combating Corruption and, (5) Connectivity and Digital Transformation.

During the event, the renewed website of the Young Americas Forum was also presented:

The agenda was chaired by representatives of the Organization of American States (OAS); the Department of State of the United States of America; and the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT). See the complete agenda and speaker biographies at:

As a result of the “Opportunities to make your voice heard” campaign, three young leaders, representing the youth of the continent, directly formulated their questions to representatives of the United States Department of State and the Summits of the Americas Secretariat of the OAS. Interventions were made by Jarrett Fisher (United States of America); Caleb Rojas Castillo (Peru) and Dawsher Charles (Grenada).

The recording of the event is now available on the website:

YABT is a non-profit international organization with cooperation agreement with the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States.

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Young Americas Business Trust, YABT, Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas, TIC Americas, Eco-Challenge, Eco-Reto, Startup Challenge, InnovAction Challenge, Caribbean Innovation Competition, CIC, Business Opportunities Online Training Camp, InnovAction, Young Americas Forum, Foro de Jóvenes de las Americas and all associated logos, image, website and design elements are trademarks and/or service marks of the Young Americas Business Trust, YABT.