“Over time, spaces for dialogue have been triggers for collective action by young people. They empower, motivate and rectify our talent”.
Harumi Kasay Ganoza, youth spokesperson, 52nd OAS General Assembly | Lima, Peru
On October 5 of this year, the voices of the Youth of the hemisphere were presented to Heads of Delegation of the Member States of the Organization of American States (OAS) and to the international community, during the 52nd OAS General Assembly, under the theme “Together against inequality and discrimination”, with Peru being the host country.
As a social actor, youth participated in the “Dialogue of Heads of Delegation, the Secretary General, the Assistant Secretary General and Civil Society Representatives, Workers, the Private Sector and other Social Actors”, raising contributions and key proposals, the result of an ongoing process that the YABT develops as part of the Young Americas Forum (click here to read the full intervention, only available in Spanish).
These contributions are being compiled and systematized to present a new monitoring and implementation methodology, which will be published in the coming weeks showing the various contributions of young people from more than 20 nationalities. Who through the Forum process have underlined the need to strengthen youth political leadership through education and proposals to integrate ethics, politics, government and humanities courses into school curricula in the region.
They also highlight the importance of ensuring resources for training in digital areas, comprehensive scholarships and quality education in order to contribute positively to increasing youth employability on the continent. These contributions have contributed significantly to the program, creating solid and replicable solutions in favor of the development of the youth of the Americas.
Workshop, I Young Americas Meeting | Lima, Peru Plenary Session, VI Young Americas Forum | Los Angeles, United States of America
The I Meeting, together with the VI Young Americas Forum, have strengthened the participation of the youth of the hemisphere through a hybrid methodology, providing content, various dynamics of interaction, networking, and workshops to more than 1,000 young people from the continent. who represented their communities, youth networks and youth interests both online and on-site. This methodology has made it possible to integrate the contributions of youth in a broader and more inclusive way to the priorities of the region.
The contributions and results of the program are part of the inputs on the road to the next Cities Summit of the Americas, in Denver, Colorado in 2023, which will allow youth to consolidate actions and proposals to implement and expand the commitments of Social and Economic Development in the hemisphere at the local level.
YABT’s community of young leaders advances global goals and strengthens more youth-led initiatives for sustainable development. During the last 20 years, YABT programs in collaboration with governments, the private sector and international organizations have positively impacted more than 100,000 young leaders and entrepreneurs. YABT will continue to join efforts with the governments of the United States of America and Peru, as well as with all the OAS Member States in the implementation of the region’s mandates and priorities in the creation and continuity of support programs for youth.
YABT is a non-profit international organization with cooperation agreement with the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States.
1889 F Street NW, Washington, D.C.,USA | Tel: +1 202 – 370 – 4723 | info@yabt.net
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Young Americas Business Trust, YABT, Talent and Innovation Competition of the Americas, TIC Americas, Eco-Challenge, Eco-Reto, Startup Challenge, InnovAction Challenge, Caribbean Innovation Competition, CIC, Business Opportunities Online Training Camp, InnovAction, Young Americas Forum, Foro de Jóvenes de las Americas and all associated logos, image, website and design elements are trademarks and/or service marks of the Young Americas Business Trust, YABT.