Alliance between YABT/OAS and IMAJSMA continues to promote development spaces for entrepreneurial youth

Washington, D.C., March 14, 2023 – The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) of the Organization of American States (OAS), in alliance with the Instituto Municipal de Atención a la Juventud de San Miguel de Allende (IMAJSMA), will hold the International Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation Symposium, a space created to provide opportunities and strengthen local capacities for the growth and development of youth. This Symposium will be held on Thursday, March 23 at 08:30 am, at the Hotel Real de Minas, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. 

The Symposium will allow development practitioners, experts and young entrepreneurs to exchange lessons learned and perspectives on the current and future of entrepreneurship as a tool for development and inclusion, creating the conditions to take action on transformation and resilience of local emerging economies. 

We invite you to learn more details and register, on the website:

The Symposium will feature opening remarks from Washington, D. C. , by Ambassador Néstor Méndez, Assistant Secretary General of the OAS and the participation of more than 14 national and international speakers representing international organizations, government agencies and young entrepreneurs, sharing high-value content and success stories that show the potential of entrepreneurship and innovation to promote a positive change in different spheres of society. 

The audience will be made up of 600 young people from the State of Guanajuato, who will have a unique experience and immersion in topics on entrepreneurship as a promoter of economic and social activities associated with human development, sustainability, digital transformation, economic development and territorial competitiveness, among others; seeking to promote innovative solutions for young people, as well as programs and initiatives to support and accelerate their foray into the international arena, while promoting gender equality, inclusion and diversity. 

YABT and IMAJSMA continue to join efforts to improve local capacity in promoting an entrepreneurial mentality, and the strategic role of youth to contribute with their talent and perspective in the design and implementation of productive development and territorial competitiveness plans. Likewise, providing follow-up to the Declaration and Action Plan of the VI Young Americas Forum of the IX Summit of the Americas, and promoting cooperation between San Miguel de Allende and other OAS Member States. 

For more information, contact YABT through Cecilia Vilchis, via  and/or IMAJSMA through Genaro Sánchez via, by phone 415 1210123 or directly at the IMAJSMA facilities, Parque Zeferino Gutiérrez s/n, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.


About the organizers:

The Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) is an international non-profit organization that works in cooperation with the Organization of American States (OAS) to promote the social and economic development of youth around the world. While building entrepreneurship and creating opportunities for future business leaders, the YABT community advances global goals and strengthens youth-led initiatives for sustainable development. YABT works with youth, governments, international organizations, the private sector and other global actors on youth empowerment.

The Instituto Municipal de Atención a la Juventud de San Miguel de Allende (IMAJSMA), is a Decentralized Public Organization of the Municipal Government of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, whose main objective is to transmit and develop knowledge and activities for youth between the ages of 12 and 29 years, as well as promoting the development of San Miguel youth to achieve and increase their integration and full and effective participation in economic, labor, political, cultural, recreational, scientific and social life. Currently, the IMAJSMA work project supported by the Municipal Government Program focuses on its actions and activities on the main axes of education, innovation, culture, and inclusion.