The digital resource center for young entrepreneurs, which offers tools and online training for the development and consolidation of projects, startups and businesses.

The digital resource center for young entrepreneurs, which offers tools and online training for the development and consolidation of projects, startups and businesses.

Join the live trainings

Participating in the live sessions allows you to interact directly with the experts, have them answer your questions, and to continue to improve your business. Learn more about the business training opportunities and participate now. They are all FREE!


* All virtual trainings are shown in Washington D.C. time (GMT-4)

New content, always

Take part in Live Sessions or choose from over 100 videos available online.

Learn with experts

Industry leaders and experts share their business knowledge and experience.

Go at your own pace

Learn about many topics at any time. The BOOTCamp is permanently open.

Most recent sessions

Become a Presenter

International leaders and experts in different business areas have presented to thousands of young people in Latin America and the Caribbean. You can also lead a Bootcamp session. Apply now!

BOOTCamp is a component of theĀ Talent and Innovation Competitions of the Americas (TIC Americas), permanently open to young entrepreneurs in the hemisphere.

Register now! Open Competitions

Completed competencies


Take advantage of the tools, courses and certifications that other organizations and companies have available for you online – most resources are free!