YABT hosts panels on digital transformation and urban entrepreneurship during the Cities Summit of the Americas for Youth
The McNichols Building in Denver, United States, hosted the panels on digital transformation and urban entrepreneurship, organized by the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT), as part of the Innovation Track of the Cities Summit of the Americas for Youth, which was organized by the Biennial of the Americas and the United States Department of State.
YABT and IAF join forces for youth for the next three years
The Cities Summit of the Americas was the setting for the establishment of the agreement between the Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) and the Inter-American Foundation (IAF) for three years of collaboration to support the youth of the Americas and the grassroots communities that work with young people in strengthening their leadership capacities and skills, entrepreneurship and interaction in the ecosystem.
Policy Lab will address youth and participatory democracy during the II Summit for Democracy
Washington, D.C. March 28, 2023 – San José, Costa Rica, will host the next “Policy Lab: Youth and Participatory Democracy”, an hybrid format event framed
Simposio Internacional reúne a más de 700 jóvenes en San Miguel de Allende
San Miguel de Allende en México fue sede del Simposio Internacional de Emprendimiento e Innovación Juvenil llevado a cabo el 23 de marzo, con la participación de más de 700 juventudes Sanmiguelenses presenciales. Este Simposio es resultado de la alianza entre el Young Americas Business Trust (YABT) de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) y el Gobierno Municipal de San Miguel de Allende a través de su Instituto Municipal de Atención a la Juventud.
YABT announces the Hemispheric Meeting of Young People of the Americas in Peru
The I Hemispheric Meeting of Young people of the Americas will be held as part of the activities of the upcoming General Assembly of the
The youth participate in the IX Summit of the Americas
Los Angeles, California, June 10, 2022. On June 9, the voices of the youth were presented at the IX Summit of the Americas, held at Los